Meet Ykselas!

In his mother’s womb, [Ykselas] was one of eight brothers and sisters. However, as the pregnancy progressed, one octuplet proved to be the alpha. Despite his rank among his siblings, he was unable to overpower all seven of them. Instead of absorbing all of them, he only overtook half of them. [Ykselas] was born November fourth, along with all of his siblings. Although it was an easy birth, it was the beginning of a hard life. On his back were all of his twins, faces contorted and crying along with him.

Horrifically melded to [Ykselas]’s back like malignant tumors, the seven octuplets started a life of fear and suffering. With brains the size of walnuts, they lack the cognitive ability to create any sound that doesn’t closely resemble the noise of a goose being eaten alive. Frustrated with only being able to articulate the honkings of a desperate and confused goose, they are only able to find relief through screaming at eardrum-bursting volumes.

[Ykselas]’s voice is constantly drowned out by the screamings of his siblings.This makes his job as a 9-1-1 operator rather inconvenient. His boss only keeps him employed out of pity. He gets paid very little for his efforts. Unfortunately, [Ykselas] must survive on a below living wage as he must feed eight mouths. This is probably causing him to die at a rate almost as fast as the people that call him. He doesn’t know whether they all share a misshapen stomach or not. [Ykselas] tries his best, though, which is evident from his resilience and determination to continuing to try to save lives.